Wrestling always Has a Future

Though most people many not know these companies like the titles says they have the future of the business. Also i do say in the about me section that i am more well rounded then most of wrestling fans & i hope to teach you things about the profession, that i know so much about first things first i dont want to hear comments that you dont care all i am going to say is you dont have to follow the link.
Dragon Gate USA: This company i have only seen a couple matches from but they seem to give the fans want they want Wrestling. Also they give fresh faces from across the pacific guys like Masato Yoshino, BXB Hulk, Pac, Yamato, Dragon Kid, & etc. All them add a different flavor to US indy circut one that know other promotion can truly measure up to. Also a number of former TNA & WWE stars have appeared for this company including Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Generation Me, Austin Aries, Bryan Danielson.
Evovle Wrestling: This company i have seen a little more of then Dragon Gate, but still as much as i would like to.  More unique then Dragon Gate in the way that this is the only wrestling company to my knowledge not to have one championship just base thing strictly around wins and loses. This company doesnt have pacific talent like Dragon Gate but they do have some great young talent like Johnny Gargano, Zack Sabre Jr, Rich Swann, Silas Young (great family lineage), & AR Fox. But also have established talent like Austin Aries, Mike Quackenbush, Jimmy Jacobs, Homicide, Shima Zion, & others.
Combat Zone Wrestling: Established in 1999 but really didnt take off until 2001 when ECW closed it doors and CZW came as the only hardcore choice. Founded by wrestler John Zandig who ownded the company until 2009 when he sold it to DJ Hyde who has moved away from just hardcore wrestling and a little more balanced. But under Zandig they brought have brought us inovations like the Touranment of Death, Cage of Death, Best of the Best all of them get more & more successfull as years go by. Leave a comment if you want to know about any of the matches. They have produced wrestlers like Adam Cole, Nerco Butcher, Jon Moxely (Dean Ambrose), Robert "Ego" Anthony, one of the many companies to get Chris Hero & Claudio Castanogli there start.
All American Wrestling: a small market wrestling company that only produces in Chicago, IL it has been called wrestling best kept secret and i think it maybe. As many of that guys are the among top young talents on the indy scence guys like Shane Hollister, Mason Beck, Christian Faith, & Jesse Emerson. Also known talent like Alex Shelly, Rhino, Raven, Sabu, Colt Cabana, & many others
This will not be the last time i talk about these indy companies as this is were the real wrestling is not in the big 2. Also some of you maybe wondering why i didnt put ROH here well its because i dont think they are a independent company anymore as they have been signing people to contracts & have a tv deal so i dont think so


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