Wrestling Stop Motion

1. JWF:  https://www.youtube.com/user/captainmckayrandom?feature=watch & https://www.facebook.com/captainmckayrandom

JWF is coming into there first PPV Collision after four episodes of Warzone. In that time we've seen Intercontinental Champ HBK suffer a back injury which took him out of action till after collision, as well as Undertaker and The Rock's feud develop since One Night Only where Taker and Rock had a confrontation which caused Taker to abandon the cocky Rock. Also Steve Austin and CM Punk have had problems since One Night Only when Punk assaulted Austin and then assaulted Austin again on the episode 3 of Warzone leading to the best segment I believe in JWF History on episode four which you can watch below. Also you cant forget about Bret Hart turning his back on the fans and Chris Jericho to align with Edge and Christian to form the New Hart Foundation.

2. CCW: Crash Collision Wrestling https://www.youtube.com/user/mbg1211

After a long hiatus CCW is back and it'll be good to see if they can stick around this time.

3. NYX- https://www.youtube.com/user/DGDXanimation?feature=watch

NYX just posted there season premiere so you'll have to follow along to see what transpires.

4. JWS: https://www.youtube.com/user/jwsowner

5. NLW: No Limits Wrestling https://www.youtube.com/user/FCadclayL553?feature=watch


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