WCW: The Finale

as you all know i have done a series of posts invovling the WCW well if you cant tell from the title this will be the final part. After Saturn, Benoit, Guerrero, & Malenko left the day after Sold Out WCW had No World Champion & the young talent was getting less & less & less. Also less than a month later employees Hardbody Harrison, Sonny Ono, & many other launched a racial discrimination charge against WCW even further demoralizing the locker room. One manager who had been with the company for 4 years now said his fianl salary was 160,000 which was half of what an average wrestler was making. Brought back 3 months after he was fired was Russo but this time he had Eric Bischoff's help and it worked for a few weeks with them vacating all the belts & relauching on April 10. Also that night WCW started pushing the young talent left like Douglas, Kidman, Vampiro, Stasiak, Awsome, Storm, Bagwell, & etc. They also brought in more rookies like Mike Sanders, Sean O' Harie, Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Reno, & future WWE star Luther Regins. But the story went back to the NWO/WCW angle from 4 years earlier as it was the New Blood (NWO) vs Millionares Club (WCW) and it didnt work out like it could have.
Also during that time David Arquette won the WCW title as a publicity stunt idea from Vince Russo &, about a month or two later it was Bash at the Beach 2000 some know, it as the night Hogan walked out on WCW because of a shoot promo from Russo bashing Hogan. Maybe a year after the date when got fired the previsious year Eric Bischoff walks out on the company infuriated by where the company is going. Russo leaves in late 2000 cause of injuries & couldnt take it anymore so Terry Taylor takes over as booker for the last 4 months of WCW. March 2001 sees what would be the last WCW ppv Greed come and go in usual ppv fashion but things went down hill in early 2000 when AOL & Time Warner merge around now was when they started shopping WCW. Close buying WCW was Eric Bischoff & things look to be ok until Eric finds out there deal fell through and WCW gets sold somewhere else to VINCE MCMAHON!!!!!!!
March 18th 2001 the last nitro saw every title retained except the World which was won by Booker, T for his 4 time. Later Ric Flair/Sting was the main event closing it the same way it opended which started the Invasion angle when Shane came out and said he ownded WCW. With that beging said i have a little time to vocie my opinion so here:
WCW Failed because of the fact that so many people didnt care because they had guranteed money so they didnt have to. Also because people who had know idea how to run a wrestling company where making decisions on how to run it which shouldnt happend. Bad booker's comes to mind Bill Watt's he was good in the UWF but didnt change with the times, Kevin Nash gave himself the distiction of ending Goldberg's streak which he shouldnt have. Last Vince Russo he knows how to book a show but not a feud because he always made stable feuds the big feud and always followed the same format WCW/NWO. Not pushing the young talent they had Jericho, Benoit, Jindrak, Stasiak, Wright, Kidman, Douglas, everyone who walked out on WCW, etc. Not telling those guys who held back the young guys and didnt want to see them become big stars dont know what the business is about because if you dont invest in the young talent then your product will be stale & boring because you dont have new faces at the top. No matter who the guy is say this is how it is last time i checked i am in charge you dont like go to the other promotion then when they found out how he is they would fired him and he'd be begging to come back. Because you actually have to work in the company up in Stamford because they would not except and less.
Thank you hope you enjoyed the History OF: WCW tune for the next edition of this series


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