Revolution or Restoration

I have said things about wrestling most unique company Evovle on many occaisons but i have that everyone doesnt believe the hype but maybe this will help. When people hear that this company doesnt have any titles well they cant believe that and dont want to think of something so foregin. But i am going to send out some facts first being that the promotion named Chikara which has been around since 2002 is making their first title now 9 years later. Also way back at the time when wrestling was just begining having title matches was a foregin idea to the fans but now people have gotten spolied and dont want to see something new different unique. This company also mix familar with new like most indy companies but also adds a little uniquness to the mix but i will talk about that in a little bit now the stars that are their. Known faces like Mike Quackenbush, Austin Aries, Homcide, & some guest/former stars are Bryan Danielson (daniel bryan), Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, & Ken Doane so on and so forth. But their are many new faces like Rich Swann, Chris Dickinson, Flip Kendrick, Louis Lyndon, Zack Sabre Jr (new to the US), & others. Just because they dont have a title doesnt mean they dont deserve a chance its good to try new things cause you may like them in the long run. The other unique thing that i am getting back to is something called a style battle were people of different or the same styles fight each other in matches to see who wins. Just another unique way evovle is getting noticed.
You tell me Revolution or Restoration post in the comments here, on facebook, or on Twitter, i want to hear want you people have to say.


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