Scouting Report

I am going to try something different with the Scouting Report just read it and see if you like the different one or you want me to go back to the old one.
Johnny Gargano
good on the mic
great in ring

Best Possible Feuds: Bryan, Punk, Hero, Kobiashi, Kaz

Gargano like Miz is from Cleveland Ohio, and has been on the circut for 5 years and has been a part of baiscally almost every indy promotion and has been on episodes of smackdown & Nxt as an extra. For those people who dont think the indy scence helps and its just the minors well Johnny Gargano proves that wrong because of what he has done over the last 2 years. Johnny has improved leaps and bounds in the ring since 2009 and that is great to see because if he keeps on that pace then he will be one of the best wrestler in the world in the future. I have seen Johnny from 2008 then Johnny from 2010 and they are totally different people in the ring i dont know if he is more relaxed or what but Gargano has become an indy sensation over the last couple of years and its because of hardwork & paying dues. The guy who once opended the first show of Dragon Gate USA is now main eventing for that company in the span of less than 2 years he must have done something right.
Johnny Gargano has a very bright future ahead of him and i hope that he does what Bryan Danielson and others did and thats put an independent company on the map. Because competition is good and if Johnny keeps gettting better in the ring then he will have the tools to do exactlly that. When rookie first breaks into the business and they wanted someone to follow after & look up to that person is Johnny Gargano cause he has done everything right and continues to do so.
Tell me what you think if you like the knew way then please tell me if not then tell me i want to hear what you guys want me to do tell hear on the site, on Facebook, on the page, in a group, or on Twitter. I dont care where just tell me what you think


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