PPV Predictions

Death Before Dishonor

Not in any order:

3 Elmination Tag Match:
Young Bucks vs Future Shock vs Brovado Brothers
if june is any indication the brovados will be out first to let the other fight it out ROH usually has no problem giving matches that deserve the time some time which this is one of them as these are two of the best up-n-comeing tag teams in the world today. i see Bucks winning again making them 2-0 since comeing back to ROH
El Generico vs Jimmy Jacobs (w/ Steve Corino)
I really have as good an idea what to except with this match like i do all the others because i really have not seen that much of Jacobs to know solidly what to expect from him but still generico is a good enough & well rounded enough to really make any match good one if need be which never know but i go with Jacobs winning because they want him to start were he left off in the ring.
Jay Lethal & Homcide vs Rhino & Thomasso Ciampa
this should be good as this is a big feud in the company so it deserves some time to big good especially how they ended the match last month rhino goring homcide through a table which everyone though was the last time we would see homcide in ROH but everything changes. i see lethal & homcide winning the match as jay has been on quite a roll since coming back to ROH way back in June.
Charlie Hass vs Michael Elgin (w/ Truth Martini)
i would like to see this be a good match to see what elgin has if he a serious contender or just another big guy looking to dominate his opponents. I would like to see elgin win but then again that would only make sense if he would get a push to the tag belts which i doubt because Roddy seems very busy so i see Charlie winning  the match
Shelton Benjamin vs Mike Bennett (w/ Brutal Bob)
this has all the makings of very good match as everyone knows the talent benjamin has but Mike has more talent then people give him credit for he is not just another cocky guy. I hope they give him the time and the offense to let him show the fans that he is the real deal. I see Bennett winning because in the independent companies its all about recouping after a loss which bennett suffered last time in New York now its his chance to make an impact and make it a win
Ladder Wars 3
Briscoe's vs All Night Express
this should be a show stealer as this feud is the biggest feud in ROH it has been going on for almost 6 months now. Since the briscoes have not gotten their shot yet this year and they have the ladder match experience beinging in the other 2 and ANX not beinging in a ladder match period in ROH so i am going with the briscoe's
Ringmaster Challenge: frist fall: pin only, second fall: submission only, Third fall (*if necessary) 15 min ironman match
Eddie Edwards vs Roderick Strong (w/ Truth Martini)
this match has all the makings to top Davey vs Eddie in June as the best match ROH has done all year hell if the match is as good as i think it could be it could be up for match of the year. since they just did eddie vs davey and their would no sense in trying to top such a great match i am going with Roddy to win this tonight. Not to become #1 contender but the winner will be closer to challenging Davey for the gold in the future

This has all the makings to top Best in the World part of the reason is I am going to be this live as opposed to the last one when i wasnt. But really their is only one way to find out go on Gofightlive.tv an order Death before Dishonor which is tonight at 8:00 live from the Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom in Queens, Ny. If the arena is rockin dont come knocking because ROH is in town & they will tear the house down


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