This day in Westling History

For the first time i am actually going to speak of our friends across the pacific as they have wrestling companies to and they deserve to spoke of. One in particular today is Pro Wrestling NOAH also known as the company where a lot of ROH talent tour their when they go to japan. But this is on a less somber note as today 2 years ago they put together a tribute show for a fallen star his name was Mitsharu Misawa who died in June in the ring after a heart attack. On this show we saw some of the most talented wrestlers in the world like Jun Akiyama, Great Muta Kenta Kobashi, Kenta, former ROH world champion Takehsi Morishima, GO Shiozaki, as well as many others. All to pay tribute to their fallen friend & boss, on this night they gave him the respect he deserved and it should how many people he touched during his life. This night was capped of by the world title match more specifically the GHC world title on the line as Go Shiozaki fought Akitoshi Saito. Which Go won after a great 24 minute match that i would have hoped sent the fans home happy.
God Bless Mitsharu Misawa
Its a shame that the Japanese wrestlers know matter how good they are in japan they aren't nearly that good in the US because most of the major company owners don't want to make people from other countries big i understand why but its a shame because they don't even get recognized or the credit they deserve. But i did as this day 2 years ago great wrestlers tributed another great wrestler with a star of a tribute show.


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