Post PPV Thoughts

Night of Champions was last night for the most part i was wrong as i guessed the US title, HHH/Punk, WWE Title, & the Women's title matches all wrong. Which 3 of them are the ones i want to touch on in this blog. First the Women's title match Beth vs Kelly this means no offense to Kelly as i think she is a great champion and has improved greatly since her debut. But last night they were in Beth's hometown and what better place to win a title i dont understand why they didnt because last time i checked beth was the heel & kelly was the face not the other way. Also its not just me who didnt like it everyone their didnt because the Bull**** chants went on for 1 minute after the match ended. I hope they dont try an carry this on to turn kelly heel or something because that something not good for business.
The WWE Title match 35 days is how long Del Rio held the belt for before "Super Cena" struck again for the 10th time as WWE Champ. I am telling you guys right now that in my opinion and the opinion of a lot of other people not matter how many belts Cena wins he will not be on the same level as a Flair, or Sting because they are better wrestlers, better on the mic, & put over other people. Unless Del Rio wins the belt back before they go to Mexico then the ratings wont be as high as they could have been because, it means more to see someone from your country as the World Champion in another country then it does seeing someone from another country the world champ in your country. (Shame)
Finally the Main Event: HHH vs CM Punk (if HHH loses then he steps down as COO) though Miz, Ace, Truth, & Nash came down and got invovled still it was a very good match. But as Paul Haymen said it about the follow up how will they top this tomorrow but, also how will they tie all this together into one. I am also happy because them doing this feud it is being past off like this feud is more important than the WWE title which maybe true but isnt how it should be they need to make it so the belt is just as important and Cena isnt the guy to do it. This match also showed that Punk is the real deal when it comes to his place in the company which is good to see a guy like him as the top dog in a company like that. What i mean when i say a guy like him i mean an indy original got his start their and was made what he is by WWE and himself.

Thank you and dont forget RAW tonight 9pmET/8CT live on the USA Network (what does the fututre hold for the show tonight.


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