TNA: Truth from the Inside

I have been waiting for a while to blog about this partly because i forgot the other part i just didnt know what to say about it. I mean how is the nicest way to say that an ex-employee thinks the company that he helped found will not successed unless they make changes. The employee was Jerry Jarrett who recently did an interview & during which he talked about TNA. How he thinks that until make drastic crative changes "they will continue to be the drain on Panda Energy that they are now and have been since inception. That is an eye opener seeing as its comeing from the co-founder who may not have stock or a position in the company anymore but his opinion should still be valued especally by his son. He even went as far to say “The core of their problems is the creative development of their product. They have to cut the cancer out.” Thats crazy I mean i agree with him and unless they do make changes they will continue to loss people, money, fans, etc because the people can only take so much frustration before they go away to something else. He also said that he would deserve the label of stupid if he were the own who hired Vince Russo but it wasnt him Jeff didnt it all by himself. He said this regarding Russo “He obviously has qualities that I don’t recognize or understand,” said Jarrett. “How can a person who has a 15-year history of failure still keep a job?" Before i continue i want to say that i am in know way trying to steer the pot between anyone i am just writting the blog and interpreting it the best i can. I will also answer the question that Russo has gotten better when it comes to running/booking the shows but still isnt that good. How he has kept the job and those in charge havent woke up from the delusion that something is wrong and did something is beyond me. Because if i can use this simile that TNA is like Fozzy, in the way that both of them arent that known, started in the early part of the 2000's & have famous people in them. The differences other than ones a band the other isnt is, Jericho is promoting & trying to make them better to get away from where they were for the 5 years TNA isnt. Because, they have the same things wrong & are in the same spot they were in 5-7 years ago which isnt good. I grew up in the Monday Night Wars period so i dont want you to think i am bashing TNA its just i am fustrated that they are in no way close to competiting with the WWE and it doesnt even seem like they are trying anymore its a damn shame to. Add Jerry to list of people who want to help/know they need help but TNA wont listen because Vince & Jeff are buddies, also Dixie think Russo is doing a good job. He has improved but i mean c'mon how long do you give him what until the company goes under which wont be that far away at this rate.
Best of Luck in Your Future Endevors TNA where i got the information


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