Bad Publicity does exist

This past week TNA world champion Kurt Angle got arrested for DUI though he only blew a .06 still the cops thought he wasn't fit to drive. This has been nothing but bad things for not only Kurt but his movie to as the Warrior is suppose to hit theaters soon and how does that look if one of the stars are arrested before the movie comes out. But this goes along with Gregory Helms, Daffney, & Matt Hardy all getting busted for the same thing as Kurt or having to do with the same thing as him. Which all these people getting busted does put a good taste in the mouth of though kids aspiring to be pro wrestlers & the people who are veterans in the business. The worst part is that Kurt is the TNA World Champion so he is suppose to be setting an example for all the wrestlers and the executives to proud of but this isn't what they thought. To back to Matt Hardy a second he was one of the best tag team stars of all time but now he is messed up and needs help. He may say he is ok but you honestlly never know. Angle is one of the best wrestlers in the world, he never dissapoints in a big match situation so it doesnt make sense to me why he would be makeing stupid mistakes like this & this isnt even his first time he has gotten busted before this for the same thing. Also before this he was pissed at the WWE, you know it really doesnt matter why he was pissed at them that is not his company he should be focusing on making TNA the best it possibly can be so it can live up expectations of fans and company executives instead of what it is.
TNA needs to do something to show that they take things like this seriously & it cant be by them just coming out with a statement they need to displine Kurt. So none of their stars do this again cause it give the business a bad name. You know what with in the next couple of days i will voice my opinion about this giving my inside info about it & personal issues i have with it. And people say their no such thing as bad publicity well they were wrong.
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