This day in Westling History

Today a very well respected & well liked stars ever would have turned 76 years old that mans name is the Orginal Crippler Ray Stevens. Debuting at the beging of the TV era in the 1950's and it wasnt long till people saw his potential being mentored by the former muti-time world champion Buddy Rogers helped. He started his 4 decade long career at the age of 15 in the NWA, he was a face to begin his career feuding with the original heel Gorgeous George. By the age of 17 he was in the main event so what happend well he developed his tag team skill pushing promoters to book him as tag team star instead. He also won the tag team titles with everyone from Nick Bockwinkel, to Pat Paterson, to Ivan Koloff, to Greg Valentine. Also he has 22 territory singles titles to his name to go along with 8 territory tag title regins his most famous partner was High Cheif Peter Maivia. He also has 3 Hall of Fames to his name & 2 PWI Tag Team of Year Awards (Jimmy Sunka & Nick Bockwinkel). Though he may have had potential as a singles star he became one of the top tag team stars of his era. Ray passed away May 3rd 1996 after recieveing a heart attack during the night in his home in Fremont California. Ray Stevens is sorely missed by his those who worked with him in the ring & those who cheered him on outside of it. He paved the way for many heels to come after him because of how he carried himself in the ring with his cocky & arrogant attitude.
This day 76 years ago God Bless


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