History of: WCW p5
Getting right into where i left off 1998 also played host to the last two ratings wins by the WCW September 14 & October 25. September 14th was the return of Ric Flair to reform the Horeman one more time & Oct was the full match between DDP vs Goldberg. That match was suppose to run at the ppv but because of an over run in time they lost the feed so instead of gaining money they lost a mega amount for putting the show on free TV & because of the cut off. October 25th was the last time that WCW ever won in the ratings here is a picture that shows you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Monday_night_wars_ratings.gif. The decline started when Kevin Nash took over booking which was a mistake cause he was still an active wrestler which any promoter would tell is somthing that you cant do. Which was true cause in the span of 3 months Nash won World War 3, ended Goldberg's streak, & won the world title all things he should not have done cause he was already established. Then came Janurary 1999 Georgia Dome sold out everyone expecting to see Goldberg/Nash rematch is disappointed when it turns out to be Hogan/Nash instead especailly after the outcome; because when people talk about this night they call it the Fingerpoke of Doom which how the match ended. If you never saw it well then it baiscally was them stalling then out of nowhere Hulk pokes Nash, then he falls and get covered 1,2,3 to the reformation of the NWO.
But that night could have been actually profitable for the falling company if Tony Schivone never said the results to the Raw of that night as it was when Mick Foley won the World title. "He said that should put some butts in the seats" instead of just saying the results he added that phrase costing WCW the ratings win & 300,000 fans (great job tony). Many people have ideas in what lead to the decline of WCW overuse of celebrities like Leno, Rodman, & Arquette, or doing bad publcity stunts on TV like making one performer wrestler a doll. Then their was the fact that the wrestlers werent movtivated to work hard because of their long contracts, because of that TV Qulaity deproved & fans left to (No thanks to Tony Schivone who said that on his own). At that point 260 indivduals where making guarenteed money many rarely appeared on the show. One thunder 15 of the 260 appeared on screen thats crazy bad, in his book Eric blames the new bosses for not letting him have his space to run it. During this time Chris Jericho became the first person to leave WCW followed by Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit (World Champion at the time), Eddie Guerrero, & Perry Staturn would soon follow. September 10th 1999 Eric Bischoff was fired after management felt he didnt push the right storylines enough to give them success. Enter Vince Russo & Ed Ferrera from WWF who dubbed themselves the brians behide the attitude era. Russo pushed the young guys right off the bat phasing out the aging people like Flair & Hogan. He also revied the NWO stable but this time he had Bret Hart & Jeff Jarrett leading it.
Unfotunatlly i have to end it here as i dont what it to be to long so Next time on History of: WCW it will be the finale for both WCW & this edition of History dont want to say much just tune in next time.
But that night could have been actually profitable for the falling company if Tony Schivone never said the results to the Raw of that night as it was when Mick Foley won the World title. "He said that should put some butts in the seats" instead of just saying the results he added that phrase costing WCW the ratings win & 300,000 fans (great job tony). Many people have ideas in what lead to the decline of WCW overuse of celebrities like Leno, Rodman, & Arquette, or doing bad publcity stunts on TV like making one performer wrestler a doll. Then their was the fact that the wrestlers werent movtivated to work hard because of their long contracts, because of that TV Qulaity deproved & fans left to (No thanks to Tony Schivone who said that on his own). At that point 260 indivduals where making guarenteed money many rarely appeared on the show. One thunder 15 of the 260 appeared on screen thats crazy bad, in his book Eric blames the new bosses for not letting him have his space to run it. During this time Chris Jericho became the first person to leave WCW followed by Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit (World Champion at the time), Eddie Guerrero, & Perry Staturn would soon follow. September 10th 1999 Eric Bischoff was fired after management felt he didnt push the right storylines enough to give them success. Enter Vince Russo & Ed Ferrera from WWF who dubbed themselves the brians behide the attitude era. Russo pushed the young guys right off the bat phasing out the aging people like Flair & Hogan. He also revied the NWO stable but this time he had Bret Hart & Jeff Jarrett leading it.
Unfotunatlly i have to end it here as i dont what it to be to long so Next time on History of: WCW it will be the finale for both WCW & this edition of History dont want to say much just tune in next time.
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