This day in Westling History

Today the lineage of one of the greatest wrestling families expanded to include another this time a girl her name is Stephanie McMahon. Steph at first had a normal life until 1999 when she started working for her dad at the WWF. Only appearing on TV sporadically but by the middle of 99 she had her first angle this invovled Test "her boyfriend" she was about to get married to him when HHH came out to reveal him & steph were "married" already. By the end of 99 she was a regular character as she was the on-screen power with HHH controlling the show. This lasted until a few weeks before Hunter went down then she took time away until she came back as a member of the Invasion in 2001. She was pulled again until Jericho won the title then she became his manager until he lost the belt by then she started a feud with at that point her "ex-husband" HHH. The written off TV again until mid 2002 when she came-back as the GM of smackdown stayed that for around a year then got written off again. Now she only appears when it needed as she has 3 girls at home to care so she doesnt have as much time as she once did. But most recently she got invovled in the Randy Orton/HHH feud a few years ago but has only been seen once or twice since then on TV. She really beat the critics that said she was just daddies little girl but now when daddy leave the company to her & HHH will she beat them again or not.

This day 35 years ago!!!!!!!!!
You tell me can they  do a good job when Vince steps down in the next year or 2 all we can do is wait and see


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