This day in Westling History

This day one of the eldest members of the WWE become one year older moves from 63-64 an ex-Manager, Ref, & current GM he is Thedore Long. Starting his wrestling career in 1985 apart of Jim Crockett promotions as a referee thats was until he started being inpartial to the heels allowing them to win by cheating sometimes him causing it. So the NWA relived him of his dutuies as a ref and thanks to Kevin Sullivan & Eddie Gilbert Long became a manager. Managing only one person to championship gold in his managerial career and thats Doom ( Ron Simmons & Butch Reed). He however manage Johnny B Badd, Norm The Lunatic, One Man Gang, Craig Pittman, Joey Maggs, Jim Powers, Bobby Eaton, many others. Near the end of 98 Teddy left then WCW to join up with WWF were he debuted as a ref at the 1999 Royal Rumble. While in WWE he managed Chris Nowinski, Rodney Mack, Mark Henry, Jazz, D'Lo Brown, & Mark Jindrak all were apart of the stable Thuggin N' Buggin except Jindrak. Who he managed after the move to Smackdown in 2004 but that was cut short as he became the GM of Smackdown mid-way through 2004 after Angle was "fired." During that time Teddy has became the longest tenured GM in the WWE & the only one to have 2 stints as GM on one show. Nerd Note: Teddy was supposed to be the ref Owen Hart's match at Over Edge 99 but instead refed the intergender match which had Owen's friend double J in it with Debra vs Venis & Nicole Bass. Also Long was the ref in the infamous Droz injury in the Colliseum when Droz got dropped on his head and was paralyzed.

Strange the distiction that it adds to your career certain events but still teddy has done it all in this business but would not have been able to if it wasnt for This Day 64 years ago!!!!!!!!


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