This day in Westling History

today is the unfortuate date that wrestling lost another performer this time he was older than 40 as he was almost 50 his Ted Petty aka Rocco Rock. Known to Monday Night Wars generation as one half of the Public Enemy with his Tag partner Johnny Grundge (Michael Durham). To begin his career Ted was the Cheetah Kid in japan and had a very good success. Then he started in the NWA as Colonel DeKlerk for a  short time then went back to the scence until. ECW & UWF started teaming him with Johnny then it was just ECW their gimmick inner city holligans. They helped changed the business and became reasons why ECW was the alternative and became a success. If thats not true then why did WCW sign them in 1996 & then brought them back in 99. Also in 99 the WWF had them for a short time as well but things didnt click between them and the rest of the roster so they left. Over their careers they acummulated 14 tag team titles regins in a majority of different companies excluding 3 were they were multi time champs. Unfortuatlly in 2002 after a massive heart attack or heart failure Rocco Rock passed away he was 49. Leaving behide a legacy of hardcore and innovation nobody has or will duplicate & he must have done something right because every year an indy company puts on the Ted Petty Invatational tournament to tribute him.

God bless you Flyboy Rocco Rock You are missed very much and will always be rembered.
This day 9 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!


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