Hulkster or Huckster

Over the past couple of months their has been talk in the internet community about how excited we are to see a match that took place 15 years ago & failed i am talking about Hulk Hogan vs Sting. I am aware this is a new generation but that doesnt mean you give them the same matches that excited the past generations of the 90's. Also their has been concerns on weather Hogan can fight and weather he can take bumps or not which is what they call moves during a match. As over the last year Hogan has had 8 back surgeries and is still looking to comeback. I am very happy that TNA is putting as much hype as they have behide this match but i wish they would do it for a match that doesnt invovle two guys who's career are almost over in the ring. But unproven track records is what companies like TNA dont like unless someone in managment likes them and backs them like WWE. But at least in WWE the people with the unproven track records get pushed & are given an opportunity not like TNA were people that are the complete package go to not get used right. The hype is good for this match but its the fact the match is happening in the first place unless this match leads to one of them leaving the company or going off TV then this match should not happen because its pointless and a waste. Hogan was going to retire but something changed that made him comeback and fight Sting i dont know what & i have not any idea why but he did and the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community) could not be sadier. The younger base of fans dont understand yet that when stars reach a certain age they need to either pass the torch or just step away but some people do it less gracefully then others. I am not talking about sting though its i am talking about as Hulk has had 8 back surgries in the last year i dont think wrestling is the best idea. But what do i know i have never ran a company into the ground like some other people so i guess that means i have did something wrong. Because those people that did seem to always think their right when it comes to dealing with people who didnt help put a company out of business.
I thought that was a good thing especailly since it was the only measure of competition and nothing since then or ever will give that company up in Stamford a run for their money like that company did. None since or ever will not even this one especally if they keep depending on people past their prime to put on matches that they did 15 years ago.


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