Undisputed for a Reason

Two days ago i finished my first book in almost 2 years, it was worth every minute as it was one of the best, most incite full books i read in a very long time. The book was Chris Jericho: Undisputed which was Jericho's second book it went more into recent years then Lions Tale did. It starts off with him giving reason why he left the WCW and wanted to go to the WWE. The trials & tribulations he went through during his early WWF days & the shocking that almost happened. Details about where fozzy came from and the road it has taken to get to were they are now. The infamous night in Sate College, PA  against Triple H, his thoughts on the invasion and what should have happened. Also an in-depth look on some of his favorite opponents of his near 20 year career. As well as how he felt winning the title in 2001, also all the new faces that came in around that time and his opinion about all. Why he left in 2005 and why he came back 2 years later, what he did while away what happened and much more. This book is a must read for any wrestling fan as it details the career of one of the most technically sound people in the business today. By the end you will say to yourself he is the Best in the World at What he does & that he is indeed the last of a dieing breed in this business.
This is defenitly worth every penny to buy it especailly if your a fan of the Hightlight of the Night, King of the World, the Best in the World at what he does CHRIS JERICHO!!!!!!!!


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