This day in Westling History

This day 10 years ago the WWE the largest public gathering of its sort since the attacks of that Tuesday for those wondering what i am talking about it was September 11th. The WWF Smackdown "live" in Houston which prior to the show they did a 10 bell salute to victims of the attacks with Lilan Garcia singing the National Anthem. Though i may have been a youngin at the time from the books that have spoke about it, the TV documentaries regarding it, & & our teachers talking about it we have all learned what happend that day in September & why. This was in the mix of the WWF invasion and all Vince could say was "We need pull together as a nation & show that United We Stand Divide we fall. During the opening segment Garcia, Booker,t, & many other stars, as well as fans were brought to tears during the National Anthem. During the show all the superstars shared their thoughts on the tragedy some having friends and Relatives at ground zero. The show was main evented by Angle vs Rhino which Angle won much to the delight of the audience as he said USA USA USA into the mic after the match sending the fans home happy. That show was the first step for this nation's recovry and we have almost if fully recovered from it but one thing will not change and can not be replaced is... The dedication, determination, & Courage shown be the NYPD, EMT, FDNY, & even random people that worked within the building will never be forgotten and those who were saved by them are enternally gratefull. I heard this on a documentary that the next day after the attacks close to 1000 FDNY locators where buzzing in ground zero showing just how many of them risked their lives that day. For those who dont know what i am talking about well it is basically a tracker so if a firemen gets lost they just set that off and they find them. The WWE helped the nation in its time of need and did a damn good job of making us forget for the 2 hours that they were there.


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