This day in Westling History

Before their was all these gimmick ppv's damaging the uniqueness of these special matches their was one name for all WWE ppv's and that's In Your House: Mind Games. This ppv had a match between Jose Lothario & Jim Cornette which Jose won. Also their was a tag team title match between Camp Cornette ( Owen Hart & British Bulldog) vs Smoking Guns. Which Owen & the Bulldog won, the reason this show is special well its because of the next match between Mark Henry vs Jerry "The King" Lawler. Which Mark won but it makes it special because it was Mark's WWE debut who knew he would stay for 15 years. The main event of that night was Mankind vs Shawn Michael's for the title to show that Michael's was just another pretty face. They did that even though the match ended in a DQ still because the Undertaker came out of a casket that was at ringside and attacked Mankind costing Mick the match. Now Mark is the champion it only took him 15 years to get their now thats hard work if i ever saw it.


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