This day in Westling History

I know it maybe a little late but i have been busy with school just starting so bear with me please the site will stay i will try my hardest to keep the posts coming. This day 4 years ago their was a TNA ppv where the tag team titles actually given some meaning by a non-wrestler as that night Pacman Jones debuted in ring for TNA. It was in a tag match he was with Truth & they fought Angle & Sting and Pac & Truth won farily quick. That was the first time that TNA had a celebrity in the ring he wasnt bad to bad he couldnt stay longer as that was during his suspenion. For those who dont know this is when Pacmen got suspended & during the offseason got signed. Which is why he had to drop the belts because of the fact football season was starting again. Also that was not only the first and last celeb to hold a TNA belt but that was also Truth's last storyline before leaving. As during that time he knew he was a top guy but wasnt being paid like one so when his contract expired the WWE had been offering him and he as well as another performer on this show Chris Harris did to. Not much but still something today
This day 4 years ago


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