TNA Wrestling: Impact is Near

I know all the blogs I have written about TNA for the most part bash the company and bring to light what i think is wrong with the company. Which their are alot of things wrong with the company and much to the dismay of baiscally every TNA writer including Dixie Carter & Hulk Hogan we fans dont know what we are talking about. Well if thats true then why does TNA have Facebook, & Twitters to give News away of the newest Ex-WWE employee that they signed instead of focusing on the talent they have their already and in OVW. Look I dont want to sound like a broken record but still TNA has problems within the company Jericho has said it, heck Jerry Jarrett made mention to them, & others. Because, everyone knows that if TNA gets good then the Wrestling business will get popular again maybe not like the 90's but they may be able to give WWE a run for their money. How they can start this is at Final Resoultion make Roode vs Styles one of the best matches in the last number of years in that company. Then next year slowly phase out the legends because a majority of the legends no offense to the legacy they already have but they are past their primes & should not be seen in a big role on TV every week. Slowly doing that will move the focus on to the talent & they also need to keep a push going because they have a bad history of giving someone a chance they taking them off TV while had momentum and not putting them back till they have nothing again. This is very frustrating because I grew during the 90's when wrestling was great and I just want it to get good again and TNA is nearing the point were everyone is just going to take what they give us & except nothing more.

If somthing other then Roode vs Styles steals the show and its not as good as it should be will you still buy TNA ppv's and watch their shows. The Impact could becoming This Sunday when we find out if TNA has woken from their delusion that anyone can draw & the young talent is worth the Time to main event shows like this one & have great match at them


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