Serious Business

I am well aware that I blog about this yesterday but i want to go back to Kurt Angle's situation but not just focus on Kurt. As he is not the first and sure as hell wont be the last person to have this happened to it just happened to be this that made me want to blog about this. What i am talking about is a topic very close to my heart and that Drugs & Alcohol in the business. It is a very touchy subject because of the fact that drugs is what took a couple of my favorite wrestlers from the business which are Brian Pillman & Eddie Guerrero. Though Eddie quit it still impacted him in the long run costing him his life basically & Brian unlike Eddie he wasn't able to beat it and his addiction cost him what could have been a very good life. It has also played a part in the deaths of Louie Spicolli, Luna Vachon, Eddie Gilbert, 2 or 3 of the Von Erichs, as well as Gino Hernandez, & unfortunately i am aware many others but these are the people of the top of my head.
It is also a big deal because even though it may not cost them their lives it costs some very profitable careers as opposed to mid cards or lower. This happened to 4 guys that come to mind two worked during the 90's & the other two are still around today. Most who have read even the smallest article or have spoken to these people know about their past. I am talking about Buddy Landell & Sean Waltman, when Buddy debuted he was pegged to be a future world champion feuding with the like of Ric Flair over the belt many times never winning cause of his habits outside the ring. Waltman i think because of how good he was in the ring this may have cost him his push to the main event again his habits outside the ring get the better of him. Like the other two guys Landell & Waltman beat it and are still performing. Their names are Brian Kendrick & Jimmy Rave, maybe surprising but still yup first Rave his habits made him loss 2 jobs one in ROH & in TNA. Like the other guy, Rave is very talented in the ring but they both lost it because of their bad habits but again they became clean so that's very good to hear. The other guy is Brian Kendrick again may surprise you but he did in the WWE i am not going to say what but it got him consistently suspended and fined which like Buddy cost him his main event push in 2008, then his job in 09. These guys are the lucky ones they beat it many others have as well but some aren't so lucky, like one wrestler says he uses them as a last resort when everything else doesn't work. Finally before you jump to a conclusion that this is full of lies then how go to YouTube look it up, the bleacher report find their lists that fit & consult your local dirtsheet writer to get the info please. I guarantee this is true i hope my word means something cause i have always prided myself on writing the truth on this site.
Please take this serious or dont read it!!!!!!!!


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