Nerd Note

This is a new a blog for the site, i just want to see how well it is recieved by you guys if well then this will continue for a while hopefully if not it will go back to being in the articles. This is meant to educate you on some things that happend in the business that you may not about the business. This first edition is about the TV era one specific person really for now and thats Ricky Starr. I am sure many of you have seen or heard of this man well thats why i am here because i have thats why this is Nerd Note. Ricky a former muti-time tag team champion most notablly with Alfred Hayes but, for most of his career he won known for his Ballet Dancing in the ring. Yes, Starr was an actual Ballet dancer and joined the sport having success in the tag division & having a lengthy career as babyface. He was also managed by then promoter Jack Fefer but not managed inside the ring he was actually managed by him.

I hope this offered some insist into the past wrestlers of the business


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