Billy Reil Interview

Question: Why did you get into the buisness?

Billy: I guess I needed an escape from the streets you know. I was 14 years old and half of my friends were already slinging drugs, and getting high. I never was a follower. I was born with good instincts, so I figured even though the odds were heavily against me in making a name for myself in the wrestling business that going down a dead-end street with gangs was out of the question, so i took my chances in the ring.

Question: How did you get into the business?
Billy: To quote Axl Rotten " I was like all the other rats, putting the boys over"..hahah. Seriously though I saw a poster for a local indy show, and called the number and told them that I was already a wrestler and that i could sell 80 tickets between me and Mike Verdi if they were to put us together in a match. It was my first bait and switch. It worked,we worked, and we moved on to a few wrestling schools when we were 15.

Question: Out of all the people who trained you who did you learn the most from?
Billy: This is a hard question...I'm going to say Reckless Youth as far as the in ring work. New Jack taught me how to survive, and The Pitbulls taught me how to hustle

Question: Who was your favorite opponent?
Billy: Trent Acid, we grew up together since grade school, and in many ways were the same guy. Different Looks.Same desire to be the best. He was the best seller that I ever worked against. He could make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

Question: Why did pick up acting & i heard it helps in wrestling has it helped you??
Billy: Acting was the only logical choice for me to venture to after wrestling. I put alot of my life into entertaining the people. I'm not going to apply at Sam Ash or Walmart, it would shit on everything I had worked so hard for. As far as the second part of your question wrestling has helped my acting career a great deal. I made a quick adjustment and debuted in a feature film called "the Red Corvette", then I did Law & Order:SVU, and "Safe" with Jason Statham. I'm just starting to gain momentum to be considered for lead roles.

Question: What happend with Baseball?
Billy: I tore my shoulder working a stupid indy show for 25 bucks. My pitching arm was destroyed. It's probably the only part of my life that leaves me with a bitter taste especially with all of the bum middle relievers making millions, but such is life. what can I do ? I'm really happy to be a 30 year old actor with tons of life experiences to draw from, 17 years of Wrestling experience, and a bright future. God Bless


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