This day in Westling History

Before all these gimmick ppv's and different ppv names their was one name for all the WWE ppv's and it was In Your House the was called IYH 17 or IYH Ground Zero. This show was a very well hyped show as i remember from the Monday Night Wars on WWE ON Demand. With this being the first time Undertaker & Shawn Michaels meet as well as the much anticipated Patriot vs Bret Hart for the belt. Which Bret Hart obvisously won because i bet somepeople are reading this and are like who is The Patriot well (real name Del Wikes he performed from 1996-1998) for the WWF before leaving. Nobody won the main event as it ended in a No Contest, therefore neither of them had lose crediblity to the other in a big feud like this. This show also played host to a scary moment in the career of Scott Putski as during a match with Brian Christopher they botched a tope or most call it a cross-body over the top which resulted in Scott being taken from the ring on a streacher because he broke his leg. That night also saw the offically saw the end of the original Nation of Domination as Crush, Faarooq & Savio Vega fought each other in a 3 way match which Savio won and lead to the start of somthing bigger between these 3 guys.

This Day 14 years ago


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