Post PPV Thoughts
Last night was ROH Death Before Dishonor & it was on of the best ppv's i have ever seen. Only bad thing is we missed baiscally all of the first match and i didnt even know their was a dark match. But i am going to focus on the 4 things in my book that stole the show first it was the 3 way tag team match between the brovados, bucks, & future shock. Which the buck's won & that match was probably the best tag team match i have seen in quite a while like regular tag match hopefully the buck continue to comeback cause they are good and make everyone look good. Next was Jacobs vs Genrico but it wasnt the match it was something that heppend during it Steen came over the railing and grab a mic to say hi to generico & jimmy before his mic was cut off by a tech guy. During this the locker room empited to try and get steen out of their but then he started fighting the locker room. Before the fans knew he got into it with jimmy on the floor powerbombing him into the the apron then Genrico jumps over the ropes whiping out everyone except Steen who is now in the ring. Their he gets confronted by the ROH president (the fans are eating this up) who tries to shake his hand which he does but then gets carey in the package piledriver only to be stopped by officals. Finally gets booted out of the arena much to the dismay of the audience, Generico, & Jimmy.
The two out of 3 falls match even though it was obvisious that it was going to the 3rd fall i didnt know it would be that good. Roddy & Eddie showed a lot of stamina, determination, & heart to endure some of the spots they did. The crowd was wild during this match back n forth between them throught the entire thing, & were very into it. Some spots saw Eddie get Tigerbomb on the stage, scooped slammed on a chair in the corner of the guardrails & deth valley backbreakered on the top rope. This match also went into overtime so these guys fought for a good 40-45 minutes only taking 30 second breaks in between the falls.
Finally the main event Ladder Wars 3 was a very good match and showed how far ANX has come in the last year. With one of the briscoe's climbing to the top of a 20 foot ladder in the entrance way and leaping off through a table on Rhett. During this match a chant started that of "You Killed Kenny" after the briscoe's hip tossed king on to the ladder. Also everyone was chanting "We want blood" & "Make a member of ANX bleed" as the briscoe's were fan favorites in New York for the first time in a while.
The arena was sold out standing room only, my seats were right in front of the tech table so i saw all the guys that would stand their and watch the matches during the show specially the main event. I saw things that i have never seen before like a superplex off the apron to the floor, someone being on someone else shoulders and both getting sucide dove upon, & a springboard-powerbomb blockbuster through a table. And last but not least, i was wrong more times then i was right it was 4-3, 4 wrong & 3 right which though i was right i am still happy about.
This was a great show and a must buy for any fan of real wrestling as this has NO PG, which means blood, chairs, tables, hardcore.
The two out of 3 falls match even though it was obvisious that it was going to the 3rd fall i didnt know it would be that good. Roddy & Eddie showed a lot of stamina, determination, & heart to endure some of the spots they did. The crowd was wild during this match back n forth between them throught the entire thing, & were very into it. Some spots saw Eddie get Tigerbomb on the stage, scooped slammed on a chair in the corner of the guardrails & deth valley backbreakered on the top rope. This match also went into overtime so these guys fought for a good 40-45 minutes only taking 30 second breaks in between the falls.
Finally the main event Ladder Wars 3 was a very good match and showed how far ANX has come in the last year. With one of the briscoe's climbing to the top of a 20 foot ladder in the entrance way and leaping off through a table on Rhett. During this match a chant started that of "You Killed Kenny" after the briscoe's hip tossed king on to the ladder. Also everyone was chanting "We want blood" & "Make a member of ANX bleed" as the briscoe's were fan favorites in New York for the first time in a while.
The arena was sold out standing room only, my seats were right in front of the tech table so i saw all the guys that would stand their and watch the matches during the show specially the main event. I saw things that i have never seen before like a superplex off the apron to the floor, someone being on someone else shoulders and both getting sucide dove upon, & a springboard-powerbomb blockbuster through a table. And last but not least, i was wrong more times then i was right it was 4-3, 4 wrong & 3 right which though i was right i am still happy about.
This was a great show and a must buy for any fan of real wrestling as this has NO PG, which means blood, chairs, tables, hardcore.
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