Nerd Note

Gold Dust is a Must

during the mid 1920's Toots Mondt this is prior to his partnership with Vince. SR, Billy Sandow ex wrestler like Mondt, & Ed Lewis who at that time still fought formed the first promotion. This was originally just to make it so Lewis had opponents all the time but it invovled into something bigger.  Thanks to the innovations from Toots like shorting the matches, creating time limits, made package shows instead of one match, etc their business took off. At one point these guys had 500 stars and revolutionized the business as we know it & developed a thing called kayfabe. Which is baiscally what we call nowadays going by the script but back then everything was in kayfabe because it was before the internet, noisy fans, & Jack Pfefer. These 3 guys went on to be known as the Gold Dust Trio for all the time that their company was in exsistance. The trio also relized that the fans would get tired of the same person as champion aka Lewis so he said he would put over a popular challenger cause his skill was good enough to get back at anytime. This company dissolved in 1928 after an arugment between Mondt & sandow's brother which lead to Toots leaving the company. After the company went under Sandow went on to manage a couple of guys before he left the business, Lewis went on to become the first 5 time champion & mentor Lou Thez the first 6 time champ. Who could forget Toots he went on to help promote Jim Londos to superstardom, train Antonio Rocca & Stu Hart, & Mentor Vince SR to help make the northeast a super territory again. Finally it was his idea to market Bruno as the guy during that time and he also sold his stock to Vince before he died in 76. When Toots died he had outlived both his former partners in the age deparment with Sandow dieing in 72 & Lewis passing in 66.

With out this company and these visionaries this sport would not be were it is today you may not have known before but now you do.


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