This day in Westling History

This day 65 years ago a true wrestling legend was born into the world, he made tag team wrestling famous with him and his brother Jack vs The Funks, It's Happy Birthday to Gerald Brisco. He debuted in 1969 after being train by his brother Jack went into a team with him for 13 years. While a team with his brother they won 20 tag team title in various titles over the period that i just said. Dominanting both the florida tag scence & singles competition for many years. This well noted by those who know the era that Gerry didnt have as much singles success as Jack but maybe it was because Gerry was missing that Jack wasnt. Now the biggest event thing that he is remebered for is being one of the main encouragers in share sell of GCW to Vince which later gave way to Balck Saturday. For those who dont know Black Saturday was the day in wrestling history when got the timeslot usually pegged for WCW instead it was Vince. All you really need to know for this is that Gerry hepled in the matter but the rest of it is for a later blog post. Now skip ahead he is working for Vince retired and then after the screwjob he & patterson become Vince's stoggies or heel comedy acts. After leaving TV or behide the scences he usually was a road agent meaning he helped plan the matches. In May of 2000 Gerry won his first WWE singles title the Hardcore Title from Crash Holly while he was sleeping. The lost it to Pat a couple of weeks later when pat acted like he was celebrating but instead beat him. More recent he took some time off after suffering 3 strokes & just returned in March of last year but while he was gone his brother passed away which is unfortuante for all fans of wrestling. In 2008 they recieved entracence into the WWE Hall of Fame so they left like they debuted as a team.
This day 65 years ago!!!!!!!
sorry for the lay-off of the post i have been busy over the past couple of days but things are back to normal now.


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