History of: Whats Next

With not many known companies left to tell the history of I want to tell the story of companies you want to hear about as oppose to reading something you dont care about. So please on the place i post this please post what you want to learn about it doesnt have to be the history of a company that is in the US as if i dont know about it then i do reasearch. Wether its ECW, Dragon Gate, ROH, Evovle, Chikara, CMLL, AAA, WWE, NYWC, AAW, & any other company i have written about your just curious about. I am doing this because of the good reception that the last History of got and i would rather keep the popularity than lose. So what find that out then to ask those people who matter the most to this site. I may not make money from this site because of invalid click activity and i lost it, as it  is a one shot deal with monetize for application for google. Thank you all for the continued support of the site i do this for all of you to educate you all with the knowledge that i have in the sport that i love. Please remember comment here, on Facebook on the page or in any of the groups, or on twitter which i am @bwf1905 for those who dont know. Also please tell me who you guys want to see the next history of be on it doesn't have to be a company that is listed above. I want to do posts that you guys want to read.

Thank You


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