PPV Predictions

No Surrender

Not in the order of the actual matches

Austin Aries vs Brian Kendrick X-Divsion title
this can be an average match if given enough time i dont see it being like a good match because neither of these two are big high flyers. i see Austin coming out on top because as aries has never won the X-Division title even though he was in the company before now is he's chance to show how good he really is.
BFG Series Match
James Strom vs Bully Ray
i dont see this being a show stealing match unless both guys will be getting some sort of a push, so in that case i see this match beinging average with Ray coming out on top. Because out of the two Ray is the one getting pushed so make sense for him to get to the finals
Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe
Joe has been a path of destruction for past couple of weeks and this match will be no different as i think this match maybe one of the better matches of the night. It depends on which story they are going with crimson/joe or morgan/joe, actually i didnt think it does cause either way i see morgan winning
Gunner vs Robert Roode BFG Series
this match needs to be a good one not only to push gunner more but also give both men better standing in the eyes of the fans. They have shown more signs of pushing Gunner as opposed to pushing Roode right now so i am going with Gunner as the victor.
Jessie Sorensen vs Kid Kash
this has all the makings of a great match but i would like to see jessie win the shot cause that will mark a new era in the X-Division
Winter (w/ Angelina Love) vs Mickie James Knockouts title
this could be a good match if given enough time to be one i hope we dont see a new champion because its not good for any belt to change hands to often nowadays. i go with Mickie
BFG Finals
Bully Ray vs Gunner
this will be a good match as both men are getting the push to the top but i think they will pull the trigger on Gunner because the age factor comes into play here as ray is near the end & gunner is just begining so thats why i see him. Also i think people would rather see a young talent fight Angle as opposed to another veteran.
Kurt Angle vs Sting vs Mr. Anderson TNA World Title Match
this could have had the makings of a show stealer if they would have hyped it on TV like they did for the BFG series but they didnt & now to make it a great match it needs to be a long time with good spots in it but i doubt it will be. I see Angle winning tonight and keeping it going into BFG cause he also said that he expects to win in an interview so i would be shocked with anything else


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