Mystery is Over or is it
A few days ago one of my usual dirtsheets in a headline stated that a current TNA Champion's contract is expiring in the next month. The person is one-half of the current TNA Tag Team Champion Hernandez which also goes along with Eric Bischoff's & Hulk Hogan's contracts expiring in the next month as well. So TNA needs to sit down and think about to they really need all three of these guys like really think about it. Hernandez his in ring work has really gone down since coming back from Mexico in feburary as he seems more careless & less commited then when he left. Maybe it would be good for him to get a fresh start somewhere else so hernandez can get his head clear his commitment back. On the other hand there is Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff at one point almost helped put WWE out of business but now time has changed them. Hogan has had 8 back surgries in the last year and cant take bumps anymore because of it and maybe it would be better if for something where he d...