Wrestling Video Game Review

Video Game Review:

WWE 2k14

This is the first WWE game 2k has ever made.
In this WWE Video Game, there are a few modes to choose from such as, Universe, 30 Years of WrestleMania, Streak Mode, Online, and Exhibition,

Universe: Universe mode is pretty much the same as WWE 13's with the exception of Rivalries that are pretty much repetitious and boring. Many of the matches in Rivalries are the same and many of the cut-scenes repeat in every rivalry.

30 Years of WrestleMania: This mode is just a tweaked version of attitude in my opinion, with the exception that Attitude Era mode was better. As in Attiude Era mode you have a story or rivalry to follow, which lacked in 30 years of WrestleMania since you just played the WrestleMania matches with some having a video history which really was not entertaining to me. The only good thing that came from 30 Years of WrestleMania was being able to play as the many legends in the game.

Streak Mode: Streak Mode is pretty fun mode, as you can either face the Undertaker in a challenging match to try to end the Streak or Defend the Streak in a Slobber Knocker. Defend the Streak though was a let down to me as I thought that it would something like defending Taker's streak at against all of his WrestleMania opponents in the appropriate WrestleMania arena.

Online: Unknown

Exhibition: In Exhibition you can have really good matches with the computer depending on the difficulty in a multitude of matches to choose from.

Final Thoughts: This game to me was a big let down, considering the hype. I don't think I would rather play this game rather than WWE 13 and that's not good considering 2k14 is it's sequal.


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