TNA Wrestling Truth is:

TNA or Impact Wrestling whatever it is they are called the management people need to realize that most of the members of the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community) don’t hate the company its how they run things that people don't like. Now most people may not be, being fair because they don't have the experience or are in the place that TNA management is I mean that for the most part people in the IWC don't run a wrestling company. I do admit that I am a member of the IWC & I admit that I bash TNA very often but it’s only because of the era I grew up in which was the Monday Night War era or the time period of the mid to late 90's. Which was when WCW & WWE were competing for fans which made the business more exciting and they were innovative. Now that's what we don't have that's because TNA isn't a competitive product for WWE which some management in TNA may not like but still "it’s true" "it’s damn true." It’s not just the fans its former majority stock holder Jerry Jarrett also him saying if TNA doesn't make creative improvements to their product then they will continue to be the financial drain on Panda Energy they have been (for more look back at TNA: Truth from the Inside). Management at that company has had its good days like the twist to the Angle/Jarrett feud by bringing in Chyna, Destination X this year, Angle vs. Joe feud just to name a couple of things but there are many more. TNA's problem is they got away from what brought them to the dance at first they were the alternative to WWE having some EX-WWE talents come in on occasion. Slowly but surely they kept bringing more and more of them in making no room for the people already there. This company has plenty of competent wrestlers that are being given the cold shoulder because of the veteran names that are there. It's like Paul E said "once you give all those legends TV time there is no time for the people who need it like the new faces". Back to what i said about the cold shoulder some talents getting that are Joe, Rob Eckos (Robbie E gimmick wise), Tony Nese, Daniels, Styles, Zema Ion, Mark Haskins, Morgan, Magnus, Williams, Bushwhacker i mean Eric Young, & others. I am well aware of it that No members of TNA management will be reading this blog post even if they did it's not like i would get a call from TNA telling me "Saw this post and was wondering....." TNA could still be competition they just have to turn it around before it's to late or they either get dumped by spike or panda energy at this most people probably would be happy but some just want competition again in wrestling. 2 million viewers is a good start by the way which is what they had on this past weeks episode of Impact. (good job TNA) Please if you guys want to go more in depth on anyone that i mentioned in this post or anything leave a comment i love hearing what you guys think of my posts thanks for the continued support.


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