Post PPV Thoughts

Last Night WWE had Vengence live on ppv yesterday i also did ppv predictions and i got 4 out of 8 right which would be half. The matches i guessed wrong were Orton vs Cody, Punk & HHH vs Miz & Truth, Ziggler vs Ryder and a technicatlity i got Henry vs Show wrong also. First i want to start with Ziggler vs Ryder i am not unhappy that Ziggler retained the title but now if he loses the belt to Mason Ryan cause of a feud that is supposed to happend between the two then i will be mad. But honestlly it was like the Henry vs Show match i didnt really care who won i would've been happy with the outcome either way. Speaking of Henry vs Show well i got it wrong not because Big Show won but well the match ended in a No Contest because the ring broke after a top rope superplex from Henry to Show. (Dont believe me a link is at the bottom to the video.) Cody vs Orton i hope is going to be a long term feud cause i believe that this is one of the only ways cody can take the next step forward without actually winning the world belt is beating Orton in the feud. But if this isnt a long term feud or Cody isnt going to go over in the long run then they should just end it now. The tag team match the good part is that Nash is finally back so the big feud invovling Nash can continue but i dont like it that Punk was the one who lost even it was by two finishers still i just dont like it. At least its over and now a bigger feud (no pun intended) will take center stage tonight on Monday Night Raw


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