Nerd Note

The first gimmick ever to grace its presence in the pro-wrestling world was the pretty boy gimmick of Jim Londos. A gimmick is the what type of character they play on television like wether they have a mask, need to be built, need to be fat, quick, slow, etc. Jim was the first person to capture the auidences attention as the attractive guy who made the girls crazy. He became one of wrestling's most popular stars during the depression. He also used the promotional tatic to show off his good looks he fight the ugliest guy he could find to get him over as a popular star. He also won the National Wrestling Associaton's world title or the first installment of the NWA before the National Wrestling Alliance. Also he was honored by Richard Nixon & the King of Greece for his philathropic efforts to help greece after the 2nd world war. Jim passed away in 1975 at the age of 78 after suffering a heart attack. Jim is rembered as being on of the founding fathers of this business and he will always be rembered as such by those who know who he is and aware of what he did during his life


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