History of: CZW

Back in 1999 a man named Jon Zandig started a company called Combat Zone Wrestling he had though from 4 of his students Nick Gage, Ric Blade, Lobo, & Justice Pain started running shows in Jersey & Delware. The company however didnt take any shape until after ECW went under which in turn made room for another Hardcore Company. This started inter-promtional feud between XPW & CZW which wasnt a storyline the two companies dispised each other so much that when Messiah (Ex XPW King Of the Deathmatch Champ) jumping ship, and for that he got attacked near his home by two unkown people who many think was was XPW Owner Rob Black who sent them. Because of Messiash jumping ship & sleeping with his wife so the unkown people cut off Messiah's thumb and roughed him a bit as well. Around this time also there was a talent exchange between BJPW & CZW which led to a lot of CZW talent going to Japan like Trent Acid (Michael Verdi), Nick Gage, Wifebeater, Johnny Kashmere, Ruckus, & Nate Hatred just to name a few. "Notable incidents included Zandig turning face in Japan and Jun Kasai joining Zandig as part of his Big Dealz stable in CZW. Kasai competed in a match which was later dubbed "Un F'N Believable," in reference to the shows name. During the match, Kasai was crucifix bombed over the top rope into lightubes, barbed wire and tables, causing Kasai's elbow bone to pop out of his skin, he continued the match after having his elbow taped up. "     
"During 2001 in Japan, the Wifebeater and Ryuji Yamakawa faced off in a match which ended Yamakawa's career after the Wifebeater chokensteined him off the ring apron through a table set up on the outside. In a 'shoot interview' Wifebeater stated communication difficulties between the two was a major factor which led to the incident. Wifebeater pleaded that they should not execute the maneuver, though the move went on and saw Yamakawa's head slam against the concrete. Both wrestlers have stated that it was half of each others fault when Yamakawa did not take the move as it should be performed; back first, though some even blame the Japanese tables, which are smaller, more sturdy and harder to break, the table in this incident did not break and simply slipped from underneath of Yamakawa thus only connecting with his legs, causing his head to take the impact on the concrete."
QUOTES FROM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CZW

if this history of: doesnt get a good response then we will not be doing a part 2 of this one but if it does then next time of the History of: CZW, CZW has a TV deal what happended, Cage of Death, Tournament of Death, Battel with ROH, & DEBUT IN ECW ARENA all this and more on the next edition of HISTORY OF: CZW maybe


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