PPV Predictions

Bound For Glory
Tag Team Title Match 
Ink Ink vs Mexican America (c)
this will be an average match as nobody in the match is like a stand-out in ring skill wise especailly on the mexican america side. This will be a good indication towards wether Hernandez is getting signed back or not cause if they drop the belts i think he wont be coming back. I am going to go with Ink Ink winning the titles for that reason or another
Crimson vs Samoa Joe vs Matt Morgan
another average match for the ppv and an obvisous outcome as Crimson is undefeated and unless they plan to turn him heel then he is going to win the match. (pointless)
Knockouts Title Match
Winter (c) vs Velvet Sky vs Mickie James vs Madison Rayne
it could be a good match as all the particpant arent bad wrestlers and compete for a good amount of time but i dont think it will go that long to save time for other matches. I see winter retaing the gold because she just won it back and its not good to keep changing the champion consistantly. But since the tag title match is on the pre show/their facebook page Impact Wrestling i believe at 7:30et
X-Division Title match
Austin Aries (c) vs Brian Kendrick
this will be a better match then the first two matches that i predicted austin is way better than TNA is making him out to be so i would like to see Austin win which is my prediction. Because he is greatest man whoever lived and its about he gets the chance to show it even if it is in TNA
Full Mental Mayhem
Jerry Lynn vs Rob Van Dam
this should be given some time because if given enough time it could be the match that helps sell this ppv. if they do what they did in ECW then it could be a great match i will go far enough to say that. Since i went with RVD at Destiation X i will go Jerry tonight cause with the fact that he was their over the last couple of weeks makes me think he has a short term contract with TNA
Falls Count Anywhere
Bully Ray vs Mr Anderson
this will be a good match because like RVD/Lynn this match may have more time invested into it but still it has the same idea. this is one of the longer feuds in TNA going all the way back to around late july to mid august. Because of how big a push ray is getting i think he will be winning this match leading to the winning of the feud
I Quit Match
Aj Styles vs Christopher Daniels
like the last match this will be a good match and could be a highlight of the show because of how good they know each other. I would like to see Daniels win the match because its about time he gets the better of Aj in a high profile feud like this something that never has happend before. high profile = main event level feud
TNA World Heavyweight title
Kurt Angle vs Robert Roode
this will be a really good match as it has plently of hype behide it for people to care about it and most just want to see someone new finally asend to the top of TNA. I hope very much that Roode wins the title clean not by cheating (interference, weapon, distraction, etc) he deserves it. Hogan said Hardy is the next guy well it never hurt to have to guy top stars or 3 or 4 so on and so forth i mean c'mon.
Sting vs Hulk Hogan
the rematch from Starcade 97 only this match doesnt have as much riding on it like that one did and if you want to know what i mean go back and read the history of WCW. I really dont know how good this will be because of the shape hogan is in i mean he will only be able to take so many bumps after the 8 back surgeries that he has had over the last year. I will go with Sting to win this match i think its a bout time for immortal to start losing some momentum
This is a make or break ppv for this company it could make them get back on some peoples good side if its good enough which with these matches is very possible to do. Just give the right matches a good amount of time and dont make to many "dusty finishes" especailly in the matches hyped as it kind of defeats the purpose to hype them even if its the way you star their next feud still. But i think this could make or break them with some fans so they should try their hardest to make this what it is suppose to be and thats the biggest show of the year & not just like anyother ppv.


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