Post PPV Thoughts

Last Night was TNA Bound For Glory, I was wrong way more than i was right only guessing 3 out of the 9 matches right why because TNA creative doesnt know what they are doing. I am in know way pissed that i got so many matches wrong it just means my logic was wrong or TNA's logic is wrong. I am happy seeing Velvet as the champion as she is the only original knockout not to have won the belt. But I am really not happy about the I-Quit match, TLC Match, or the main event, some of you maybe shocked that i didnt say Hogan vs Sting to but what more could you have expected from that match. First the I-Quit Styles vs Daniels i understand the attack after the match for the feud to continue not like they really need it to continue i mean c'mon how many more times can these two feud. The ending was horrible Styles going after Daniels with a screwdriver really? really? what are they ECW? & Full Metal Mayham Lynn vs RVD. As far as i am concerned that match tarnished not only the match at detination X but all of the matches from ECW as well they were given enough time & it was more like a hardcore match than a good match like we are used to seeing from them. Someone is probably saying its good to make matches new after the same people fought very often well if it works why change it a plain match like they would have in ECW would have been good enough for Lynn & Rob to showcase great chemistry they have together. Last the main event Roode vs Angle please tell how it makes sense to build up someone to push them so far in the weeks leading up to a ppv and not have them go over. Or at least lose clean i dont get it cause if he lost clean he still would have had some momentum but making a heel go over by cheating takes the wind out his sales very fast.
It is a shame i said it last night this was TNA's chance to prove they were the real deal but they lost that chance by not making BFG all it could & it sucks. Especially since Angle is hurt & now you make him drop the belt to Roode or Hardy on a show or next ppv instead of the biggest show. There has got to be something wrong with the TNA creative team because it doesnt seem like they not what works and what doesnt and how to keep someone with momentum if they dont want the person to lose the belt revert back to what to what the NWA would have done. An old favorite have a "Dusty Finish" but not DQ, maybe a draw instead cause neither guy loses momentum and it leaves a block for the rematch between them. But know TNA goes the way they think is right even though it may have cost them a future main eventer & top drawer. Shame real shame


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