This day in Westling History

Today is something different i am doing a debut as this day last year it was 10/10/10 or last years Bound For Glory. Which was the ending of the world title tournament a triple threat match between Angle vs Anderson & Hardy. Before i tell you who won lets go back to the handicap match early in the show Jarrett & Joe vs Nash, Sting, & Pope, long story short joe lost because before the match ended Jeff walked out on Joe. I talked about that because Jeff has to do with the main event, which Jeff Hardy won shockingly with help from "they". Eric Bischoff comes down as Angle is going to win but before he can do anything on crutches here comes hogan they act like they are mad till Jeff takes Hulk's crutch and hit Angle pin for the 3. This leads to Jeff and Abyss coming out to celebrate with the happy Hogan & Bischoff they are here. IMMORTAL has terroized TNA for one year now and continues to do so getting stronger as weeks go by with more people. The only problem i see who can be stupid enough to turn a fan favorite & maretable talent like Jeff Hardy what do they not like making money or something i mean c'mon seriously. Now Immortal still has the world title but its held by Kurt Angle who is the newest memeber to the stable of random people
Can you believe a year has gone by with NO ratings improvement with the stable.


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