This day in Westling History

This many fans don't know this but it has a form of a ominance & actually means something probably not as much as i am making it out to be but still. This way back in 99 fans saw No Mercy live from the Gund Arena in Cleveland. The show was headlined by Austin vs HHH for the title in a No Holds Barred Match but then again the match that stole the show. Was the first ever tag team ladder match for Terri Runnels managerial services Hardy's vs Edge & Christian. By the way HHH retained the belt in the main event and the Hardy's won Terri as a manager but that's not all this ppv was also someones last night ever in WWF. He participated in the first Good Housekeeping Match which was for the IC belt as Jeff Jarrett fought Chyna. For those who know any WWE history Chyna may have left once but that was because of an injury but Jeff he went to WCW in 99 for a second time. Jeff being the champ lost the belt to chyna, therefore she became the first ever women to hold the ic belt & Jeff lost the belt in his last night in WWF to date. He went to WCW shortly after and became a big star holding multiple world titles for the company in a very short time. That show also saw the Fabulous Moolah win the women's title from Ivory when she was 76 years old.
This happened this day 12 years ago (when wrestling was still good)


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