This day in Westling History

Today is a special day because today a former world champion is celebrating their birthday one from our era he is Edge. Edge at first got trained up in canada by Sweet Daddy Siki & Ron Hutchinson after winning an essay contest but could follow his dream cause he needed to pay the bills. So he really didnt start in the business until the early 90's on the indy circut up in canada & the great lakes where he was under the name of Sexton Hardcastle. While in that region he formed a team with Joe Legend called Sex & Violence which later was made into a stable which included Chirstian & Rhino. From that point on which was 1996 he & Christian became a tag team on the circut they were called Hard Impact then the Suicide Blondes they also fought together in Japan as the Canadian Rockers. In 1996 Adam went to wrestle a match for WWE as an ehancement and Bret Hart saw the match liked what saw and put good word in for Edge which lead him to get a contract in 97. Before he joined WWE he wrestled one match on WCW saturday night vs Meng under the name Damon Striker. Actually pretty funny coincidence was the night Edge debuted in WWE was the night after Hart left (Bret was the one who helped get him his job) not TV debut his wrestling debut. His Tv debut came as Edge on June 22 1998 episode of RAW which the match ended when Edge botched a senton over the rope legitemently injurying his opponent Jorge Estrada. He didnt have his first storyline until he started feuding with Gangrel and Christian but that stopped when Edge joinded Christian & Gangrel forming the Brood. By the end of his first full year which was 99 he was an ex IC champion beating Jeff Jarrett in Toronto then losing it back to Jeff the next day at the ppv. Also in October of that year at No Mercy though they lost Edge & Christian established themselves with the Hardys as two of the top teams in wrestling. Then over the next couple of years they fought with the Dudleys & Hardys in the first 2 TLC matches ever and the first 3 way ladder match ever winning all 3 times.
2001 Edge became a singles star winning the IC belt a second time and feuding with Christian over it he lost it then won back later on in the year from Christian only to lose again to Test. Then he became triple crown winner beating Angle for the US belt. From there he had short feud with Booker, T & William Regal, then didnt have a big feud until he was drafted in the first WWE draft to Smackdown where immediatly started to feud with Kurt Angle. This feud ended costing Angle his hair which after 9 years still hasnt grown back even a little. From that feud till the early part of 2003 Edge won 2 tag titles one with Hogan and the other with Rey Mysterio but then at No Way Out 03 Edge was suppose to compete in a tag with Benoit & Lesnar but was assulated and didnt. He then went into neck surgery and would the next year in the WWE returning April of 2004 but got injured again less than a month latter not before winning the tag team & IC titles. (tag with Benoit). Skip ahead to 2009 in the 5 years i skipped Edge won the Money in the Bank at Mania 21 & won the world title a year latter then beat Kennedy for his MITB went to Smackdown and won the title again. Edge was now a top guy but in July of 2009 Edge suffered a torn achillies tendon missed a year of action because of it and was dropped from the tag titles with Jericho. He cameback at the Rumble won it and fought Jericho at mania coming up short but would win the title at TLC after a year not holding a belt at all. In March of 2011 Edge competes in his last match because his neck is getting worse and he must retire from wrestling as a result but he retires as World Champion couldnt ask for a better ending Adam is now under a legeneds contract with WWE



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