Scouting Report

Masato Yoshino

great in ring
average on mic

best possible feuds: Mysterio, Styles, Red, Swann, Quackenbush, Cara (blue), Pac

Yoshino is one of the quickest guys on the Indy circuit, a native of Osaka Japan he has thrilled US audiences with his unique style for 3 years now apart of the Dragon Gate USA organization where has held the World title & tag team belts their as well. He was also apart of the TNA world X cup from 2008 apart of team japan. He also has competed for ROH back before all the TV deals and stuff back in 06 at a Supercard of Honor event and that match won match of the year from PWI. Yoshino even at 31 still has a great future ahead of him whether he is on or off the circuit, in japan or in the US Masato is one of the more talented wrestlers still on the circuit. Being trained by Ultimo Dragon can do that for you as he may not have shown it on American soil but like may other Ultimo Dragon is one of the more talented international performers to step foot on US soil but never got the recognition he deserved.


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