This day in Westling History

For many they know him now as a crafty veteran but at one point like everyone else he was a rookie starting out in a stable called the brood. He was with Gangrel & Edge yes i am talking about Christian know it not his birthday but its his Debut day. This day 13 years ago saw a spunky kid from Toronto not only make his WWF TV debut but also make his ppv debut in a title match know less for the light heavyweight title against Taka Michinoku. The show was Judgment Day 1998 and it was headlined by Kane vs the Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Title, which ended in a no contest. Though it may have been his first night christian still came away the victor with Edge & Gangrel watching from the outside. He became on of if not the first person to win a title in his first show. Also he became only the second ever champion first being Taka who won it earlier that year.
Not much else to say other than i noticed something with the title matches on this show and the ppv i did yesterday a WWF ppv all the title match IC, European, Tag Team, World, & even Womens are all in matches longer than they would be in now maybe not the womens title but the male singles titles are as most  are in 10+ minute matches. Oh how things have changed


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