Countdown to Lockdown

I just finished the newest Mick Foley memoir called Countdown to Lockdown and though it may have been made a while ago but still. I am not going to say this is a must buy for any wrestling fan because even though it was a good book still i think its more for like TNA fans (if their any left) or fans of Mick Foley's books. Cause this is the first of his books i read and i didn't really know what to expect. Some of the things Mick speaks of in the book are the match he had with Randy in 04 as well as the match with Edge in 06 & trying to duplicate that "time in a bottle" match he had with them John Morrison for a match in 2009 to help JoMo get on the map. He also talks about him helping injured troops, conversing with famous politicians, donating to charity, & meeting singer Tori Amos. Some other things he goes through are childhood stories from summer jobs to being on the wrestling team with Kevin James, what lead to the end of his active performing days, & of course the build up for his match vs Sting at Lockdown 2009. Finally he also spoke of announcing and he felt about the way Vince talked to him through the headset, drug use & saving money in the business how dangerous doing one & not doing the other could be. Finally he also spoke of the fateful night in Germany in a were he had a match vs Vader at a WCW show in 1992 that night is special because that's the night the ropes were tight because they weren't real ropes. Also the night that mick lost his ear because one of the spots he wanted to during the match went wrong can you guess which one well lets just say it was a long time before Mick wanted to get tangled up in the ropes again.
I want to clarify that i don't this to make people aware of the book and i do it the way i do because if i retolded the entire story you would not want to buy it now would you.


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