Post PPV Thoughts

Yesterday was Hell in a Cell and like always i did my predictions and did the bets i ever have only getting one match out of 6 wrong. That match was the first one Christian vs Sheamus which Sheamus won not christian like i thought. This was better than Cara vs Cara which the crowd was not into at all which was kind of surprising but not really at the same time cause i think this feud maybe taking away from the momentum Cara once had. Christian vs Sheamus behide in my opinion both world title matches was the best match of the night cause it was a good match and the crowd was into it. But also the highlights were Henry retaing the title which means they will actually keep the belt off Orton for hopefully long enough to give him good regin. Also Del Rio won back the world title (which really needs to stop changing hands so much) in the triple threat match. Which that was also a good match but they continued the big angle as well that being the consipricy theory by having Johnny Ace get arrested which i am shocked by i am a nerd when it comes to this stuff but now WWE has took it in a very interesting direction and i love it. Finally Cody Rhodes fought John Morrrison in the filler match for the IC belt which was the vintage title that was the belt from the 80's. Again i dont know if its going to look like that permanetlly but i wouldnt mind if it did because the title has needed a make over for years now. Hopefully this is what we have been looking for and maybe this means the title will be brought back to the prestige it once had in the company with the new look. Only one way to find out the afternath tune into RAW tonight at 9pm ET/8pm PT


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