Halling 60

Tonight on ESPN their is actually wrestling not in a good way though tonight is an E:60 documentary on one of the smartest people in the business Razor Ramon, Diamond Studd, Scott Hall. Many may not believe he is one of the smartest people well thats because he is not clean to show it this documentary will give insight into the rise & fall of one of the could have beens in this business as told be his friends & family. Specifically I heard, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Justin Credible, Sean Waltman, Cody Hall (Scott's Son), Scott's Ex-Wife whose name escapes me right now i am sure some others to. But this will be interesting stuff and its only an hour show support for Hall watch one of the most devestating stories in the last decade in this sport of a guy who could have had it all but still hasnt relized it an its unfortuate. Must See I am going to watch it and i never watch these kinds of things tonight in 10 minutes ESPN.
Rember ESPN!!!! TUNE IN


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