This day in Westling History

Today maybe more important then yesterday's but still i am doing it this day 15 years ago we saw the debut of a man named Avatar on the October 23rd edition of Monday Night Raw. This Raw also had a Battle royal to determine nothing apparently just a Battle royal to get people seen on TV which was one by Owen Hart. One of the most underrated people in WWE history in my opinion. But as I said in the first sentence a man named Avatar debuted on this show against a jobber this is a big deal because of who he would become. Know i dont mean his next gimmick he actually became something in ECW then took it to the WWF were had success. He didnt have much success as Avatar so that was dropped very fast then he became Leif Cassidy but no success. To he ECW he goes first as Leif Cassidy then after a while he changes his gimmick to one where he comes out with a styrofoam head get it yet. Well i am gonna tell you anyway today the former European Champion, 20 plus time Hardcore Champion & former tag team champion i am speaking of who else but Al Snow. Add to the achievements of Al that he as the head trainer of the first 4 seasons of Tough Enough from 2001-2004. Got released maybe 3-4 years ago now is apart of TNA as one of their Road Agents.


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