Roode Awaking

I have to applaud this because it is a company who really has their moments when it comes to doing good things and this is one of those good things. Over the last 3-4 months they being TNA has actually pushed someone with a not WWE past his name Bobby Roode. He has been pushed to the moon starting in the BFG series coming from behide to win the 4 way at No Surrender. Now Bobby is showing the in ring skills & mic skills that he has always had but never got the opportunity to show off. TNA please dont screw this up you are doing the right thing with pushing bobby cause he deseves it, so no jobbing & make it a clean finish thats all people ask. I also think Roode is ready to be world champion and have a decent regin to because Angle has had an average one & its not like Sting, Hardy, or Anderson really need another one so roode looks to be the only choice. The former indy star up in canada until the WWE gave him a couple of try-out matches to see what he got one of them being against Eric Young. The only thing that happend was that he was rated by "the wrestler" mangazine one of the top 25 to healine a future wrestlemania thats big accomplishment. Bobby Roode i think has the brightest future on the TNA roster but remeber TNA's last company made guy was AJ and look where he is now just sayin. Finally i think Angle is in for a Rude Awaking this sunday on ppv.


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