Barry in a Harry Situation

though my title may suggest other wise this is not a laughing matter i found out last night that Barry Windham former NWA World Heavywieght, US, Tag Team in WCW, WWE, & NWA he is on of the greats. Barry suffered a heart attack earlier this week and is now in the ICU fighting for his life. At least this isnt self infilceted in just a matter of nature which unforunatlly happens i hope that everyone is keeping Barry in their thoughts and prayers. Windham best known for his family as he, his brother Kendall, father Robert (also known as Blackjack Mulligan), brother in law Mike Routundo, & last but not least his nephew's & Mike's sons Taylor & Windham (windham better known as Husky Harris) who are both in WWE developmental. Now do you see why he is known for his family, but also Barry had plenty of show stealing match with Ric Flair over the NWA World Title tough it wasnt Ric who he won the belt from it was the Great Muta him and Ric still had a great history. Barry had more success then most thought being the son of a successful wrestler like Blackjack Mulligan but he did it. Barry more recently was featured on WWE programing when they said goodbye to Ric Flair in his retirement party.

I wish the Windham & Rotunda families lots of luck us fans will keep Barry in our prayers we dont want to lose another as the old saying sons are suppose to bury their fathers not the other way around Please Barry we know you can do it your from texas and everything is bigger in Texas especailly the Heart


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