PPV Predictions

Hell in a Cell

Sheamus vs Christian
this will be a good match cause its a big feud both guys will get their offense in. But i think Christian will be the victor will the help from some of his other disgrulted superstar friends (cody, dolph, otunga, jack) which will make people want to see monday
Kelly Kelly vs Beth Pheonix
this will unfortuatlly be usual divas match maybe 2-3 minutes then over i mean aint that how it always is. I see Beth winning the match because this would be the third time she is going for it and unless they are playing on making something happend to push the match back to monday then beth will win
Sin Cara vs Sin Cara
this will be a fast paced match & has all the makings of a good match but they just have give them enough time but not to much and dont let it be hell in the cell. I think the real Sin Cara wins so he can finally get an advantage over the other Sin Cara and at least now we can tell whose who
(c)Air Boom vs Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger Tag Titles on line  
Unfortunatly this will be a usual tag team match it will be given time but not enough time especailly with these 4 everyone knows that all 4 of these guys have chemistry one on one & how do expect them to show it with out time. I go with Air Boom because unless which i dont think will happend Dolph is fighting Ryder on monday and losing the US belt then i dont see them winning because when was the last time WWE made a double champion doing it now would be unlikely
Randy Orton vs (c) Mark Henry World Heavyweight Title
What happends in this match depends on the Mark Henry if we get the one from MITB this match wont be anything special but if it the henry from after MITB then it will be a pretty good match. I hope Henry wins because orton doesnt need another title run and a new fresh face at the top will help Smackdown's Ratings in the long run
(c)John Cena vs CM Punk vs Alberto Del Rio WWE Title
This will be the highlight of the show from the in ring work of the competitors to what ever special thing will happend to continue the story that has all the top guys engulfed in it. The disgruted stars will make an appearance in the match i dont know who they will attack i think all of them but never know. I am 80% sold that Del Rio wins back the gold tonight because they go to Mexico in two weeks so they would make him champ to get the most out of the ratings


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